Photo by Osia Ora-Strasner, Explore84 Gold Award Winner

W H A T ‘ S    N E W

Printing on Metal
Photo by Stephen Bay For some of our Light Chasers exhibits, we recommend printing your photos on metal (dye-sublimation). Here is an FAQ to get you started with your print. I understand there are some questions about printing on metal for the exhibit. So I'm going to try and answer...
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Latchkey Brewery Exhibit Update
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We’re very excited to announce the photographers who made it into the first tier of our Light Chasers Exhibit at Latchkey Brewery in October 2019. Final winners will be announced at the Opening Reception & Awards Ceremony on Thursday, October 10 @ 6pm.
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Light Painting Tips
Photo by Cheryl Herrera, featured in Nightscapes Exhibit Light Painting by Eric Pare, Model: Kim Henry Below is some general information about light painting - equipment and tips! Recommended Equipment: DSLR or Mirrorless Camera capable of Bulb setting Tripod – sturdy one to prevent camera shake Cable...
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About Nightscapes
THE NIGHTSCAPES EXHIBIT — This collection by Lightchasers was Nelson Photo's featured exhibit for October 2018. This juried show features the inspiring work of 37 photographers from Light Chasers, a diverse learning community of photographers based in San Diego. With membership around the world representing many backgrounds and genres, photographers explore, share,...
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