Popcorn Skies at Scripps Pier
By Osia Ora-Strasner
We are blessed with incredible sunsets over the Pacific Ocean, but some of them are unforgettable. I was lucky enough to be at Scripps Pier when the puffy white clouds from earlier in the day erupted with color and reflected in the water.
Nikon D810 | 14-24mm f2.8 @ 15mm | ISO 100 | f8 | 1/8 sec
Price: $299.00
About the Photographer:
Photography has always played an important part in Osia’s life. In the beginning it served to preserve the memories of places and people left behind. Over time, it evolved into a unique way of seeing the world through the lens of a camera. Her keen powers of observation have uncovered a world full of juxtapositions, color, movement, energy, and moments that could be captured for others to enjoy. Her vision became a language that could easily be communicated by the power of pictures.
Osia’s path has taken her from the cultural diversity of Istanbul, a city where she was born to Greek parents, to the city of Philadelphia where she attended Bryn Mawr College in Fine Arts and City Planning, to graduate school in the Midwest for a Master’s degree in Architecture, and to New York City, where she lived and practiced architecture. She currently resides in San Diego where she practices architecture as a profession, and photography as a passion.
Through it all she has remained an observer with a strong affinity for capturing the spirit of the places and people that she meets during her extensive travels to faraway places. While some people have a strong sense of belonging to places they call home, others like her exhibit a Gypsy Soul with no particular attachment to a physical place, but to a universal truth and thread that weaves through it all. Finding those common threads has been a lifelong search that has resulted in numerous trips and countless photos.
Osia has exhibited extensively at the prestigious, juried, annual Del Mar Photography Exhibition where she has garnered second and third place awards, and many Honorable Mentions in various categories.
She is the recipient of the 2018 Nelson Photography Award, an honor bestowed by SCACC, the Southern California Association of Camera Clubs, to the Best in Show picture of the year.
She has won third place at the AIA (American Institute of Architects) National Photography competition, and her work was featured in the annual calendar.
Website: Osia Strasner Photography