A B O U T   L I G H T    C H A S E R S

Welcome to our learning community of diverse photographers. We’re based in the West Coast in the U.S. and we welcome all passionate photographers everywhere who want to talk shop and in a fun, educational, and respectful environment. We’re here to explore, share, and learn together about all aspects of our craft, from gear selection to lighting, composition, and image processing. Beyond a Facebook group, the vision of Light Chasers is to build an engaged community of photographers from diverse backgrounds who encourage each other and collaborate. Light Chasers will offer meet-ups, workshops, projects, and other opportunities for learning and networking. We will publish interviews and profiles to highlight and promote our members. Exploring our world’s diversity of viewpoints and voices is key to elevating our craft. Yet, like many fields, the photography industry struggles with inequalities driven by race, ethnicity, gender, and other qualities. We invite photographers from all walks of life to our welcoming forum to share their unique vision.