Eye on 2018
By Heidi Short
I took this photo of fireworks at London’s “Eye” Ferris wheel through a hotel window on New Year’s Eve. Because of the bulky register and window moulding, I could not get a tripod close to the window. I had to fully collapse it and tilt the lens against the glass, supported by pillows and a towel. I used a rubber lens hood to cut down on glare. I was fortunate to only need a relatively short exposure, because of the simultaneous firework bursts. I brought out the foreground in Lightroom. I also cloned in one white burst (which had failed to ignite) in The Eye (ferris wheel) to complete the circle.
Sony A7rRII / Sony FE 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G OSS Lens at 73mm / f18 / 7 sec / ISO 100 / rubber lens hood