Favaritx Blue Hour
By Cheryl Herrera
In May 2018, at PhotoPills Camp in Menorca, Spain I had the great fortune to learn from the amazing light painting team, Eric Paré and Kim Henry, who are the ultimate masters of their craft. They were so gracious in sharing their knowledge with us campers and they made it look so easy! Eric was behind her light-painting and creating his magic while we were shooting away. We only had a short window to shoot as the blue hour was ticking away. The light reflected off the rocks so beautifully. I was amazed at what incredible art can be created from a simple tube of light. Many thanks to Eric and Kim and of course the PhotoPills team for an unforgettable night!
Light painting by Eric Paré:
Sony a7riii / FE 16-35mm F2.8 GM @ 18mm / ISO 320 / f3.2 / 6s
Post-processed in Lightroom mainly using adjustment brushes to bring up the shadows in the rocks and Photoshop to remove stray light from the tube and hide Eric’s shoe.
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Cheryl Saguros Herrera works full time in the Business Intelligence field for a retail apparel company, but her passion lies in traveling and landscape photography. Her interest in landscape photography began in 2013 after exploring the natural wonders of Yosemite and Zion National Parks. Since then she has tried to capture the beauty of nature and the outdoors from behind the lens.