Latchkey Brewery Exhibition: Floating on a Breeze

Floating on a Breeze

By Brad Spiess

A paraglider framed by the full moon rising behind near sunset at Black Mountain in San Diego.

Sony A6500 | Tamron 150-600 G2 @ 420 mm | ISO 100 | F 11 | 1/160 sec

Price: $150.00

About the Photographer:

I have always had an interest in photography but I was intimidated by the idea of a dark room. Flash forward to the digital age and things opened up more for me. I started several web sites, one that I put a lot of work into was a hiking web site: As I put more work into the site I wanted to take better photographs of the hikes that I would write about. Slowly my knowledge grew until I picked up a professional camera and then I fell down the rabbit hole of photography and became passionate (obsessed) with furthering my skills. Photography is definitely about the journey and I know mine is far from over.

Prints are available at
Instagram : IhikeSanDiego