Latchkey Brewery Exhibition: Look into My Eyes

Look into My Eyes

By Pleshette Fambrough

One of my favorite festivals to attend in San Diego’s Old Town is Dia De Los Muertos or Day of the Dead – a celebration to honor ancestors. I really enjoy seeing and capturing all the painted faces – so much intricacy, detail and uniqueness. In this image there was something about this gentleman’s eyes that really drew me in combined with his rugged features. Finally, I felt, the black and white really contributed to the overall impact of the photo.

Olympus OMD EM1 mk2 | 40-150 mm @ 70 mm | ISO 400 | f4 | 1/250 sec

Price: $120.00

About the Photographer:

I’m a San Diego based photographer living here for about 25 years. My photography focuses on landscape, travel and macro. I really enjoy landscape photography, although in all my images I work to create images that draw viewers in, focusing on peaceful and calm settings that produce an emotional connection. I strive to reproduce a scene’s natural beauty and am inspired to capture moments to be treasured as memories. I feel fortunate to live in San Diego where there is an abundance of opportunities to create beautiful images – from the ocean, mountains, deserts and everything between.
