Latchkey Brewery Exhibition: Low Tide Lounge II

Low Tide Lounge II

By Chris Maust

Took this shot a few days before Christmas. There had been lots of good sunsets over the winter, but none that coincided with my work schedule, until this beautiful Saturday evening during a pretty low tide.

Saw the sky had great potential so walked down to the pier and started shooting around 4:45, figuring if nothing else get some nice pre-sunset shots. Stuck around and was rewarded with the colors here. It was a beautiful night in a beautiful place.

Canon 6D | Irix 15mm | ISO 200 | f11 | 1/80 sec | 7 bracketed shots

Price: $120.00

About the Photographer:

Chris Maust is an aspiring landscape and nightscape photographer currently living in Ocean Beach with his wife and dog.
A web developer by trade, he enjoys landscape photography as a means to get out and spend time in nature and the beautiful city he calls home. He moved to San Diego from a small beach town on the east coast two years ago and has never looked back.
