Latchkey Brewery Exhibition: Sugar Skull

Sugar Skull

By Gregory Asaro

Day of the Dead is an interesting holiday celebrated in central and southern Mexico during the chilly days of November 1 & 2. Even though this coincides with the Catholic holiday called All Soul’s & All Saint’s Day, the indigenous people have combined this with their own ancient beliefs of honoring their deceased loved ones. They believe that the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31, and the spirits of all deceased children are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours. On November 2, the spirits of the adults come down to enjoy the festivities that are prepared for them. Captured this image from Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside, Calif, with our dear friends from Light Chasers. Hope you like my take! Enjoy!

Nikon D610 | Tamron 70-200 mm @ 70 mm | ISO 400 | f8 | 1/400 sec

Price: $175.00

About the Photographer:

Hi, my name is Gregory Asaro. Welcome to the exhibit put on by the Light Chaser community. I’m honored to be one of the exhibitors here at the Latchkey Brewery.  I was raised here in San Diego in one of the most diverse and artistic communities in the world. I am retired now. However, I did spend nearly thirty years in the Graphic Arts field. I began my love for photography just a few years ago, and my camera has taken me to places that I otherwise would never have thought of going. My interests include landscapes, wildlife, and portrait photography. Enjoy the exhibit.

Facebook: Gregory Asaro Photography

Instagram: @asaro.nation

