The Speed of Light

By Lois Fong-Sakai

On this evening, I set up my tripod over Interstate 5, looking south toward Downtown San Diego. Because of the hazy sky and clouds, we got the beautiful post-sunset pink and purple colors along the horizon. With a neutral density filter and long 30 second shutter speed, the headlights and taillights of the moving vehicles on Interstate 5 become streaks of light, leading straight to Downtown.

Nikon D750 / 24 – 120 mm / f6.3 / 30 seconds / ISO 400 / ND 8 filter



Lois Fong-Sakai has been taking photographs for more than 40 years. Her father was a photographer with a darkroom, and has been an inspiration to her. Ms. Fong-Sakai is an owner of Jade Coast Photography, which specializes in family & senior portraits, dance, and event photography. When not photographing clients, she enjoys chasing light, golden hour, landscape and still life photos.

Ms. Fong-Sakai is a Registered Civil Engineer in California and Nevada, and the Assistant Coordinator of the San Diego County Fair’s Exhibition of Photography.